Speeches and seminars
23 November: Comments on "The Swedish Earned Income Tax Credit" at conference on "Earned Income Tax Credit – Jobs and Employment" organised by the Swedish Ministry of Finance at Rosenbad, Stockholm. Slides.
18 November: Speech on ”Independent Fiscal Institutions” at Conference organised by the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, Stockholm. Slides.
9 November: Chairmanship of the sessions on ”Short-term Work as a Method to Hold Down Unemployment in a Recession” and ”Regular Education as a Stabilisation Policy Tool” and concluding comments at the Nordic Economic Policy Review Conference on ”Employment Consequences of the Economic Crisis”, Stockholm. Slides.
29 October: Speech on ”The Euro Crisis” at seminar organised by the June List, Stockholm. Slides.
19 October: Open lecture on ”Public Debt Crises in the World Around Us - How Should They Be Handled?” at the Stockholm University. Speech on the web. Slides.
14 October: Participation in economic-policy discussion in Axess TV. Discussion.
7 October: Lecture on ”Education, Breadth and Participation in the Public Debate in Economics” at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University College of Borås. Speech. Slides.
2 October: Participation in panel discussion on ”Employment Policy after the Election”, National Conference in Economics, 29th Arne Ryde symposium, Lund. Slides.
1 October: Speech on “Political Science - A Discipline of Current Relevance” at the annual meeting of Statsvetenskapliga förbundet, Gothenburg. Paper (in Jerneck, M. and Badersten, B., Kontraster och nyanser - svensk statsvetenskap i brytningstid, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, vol 112, no 5.
24 September: Lecture on Swedish Fiscal Policy for a delegation from the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China. Slides.
16 September: Lecture on Economic Policy in Society Programme at the Center for Business and Policy Research (SNS), Stockholm. Slides.
31 August: Awarded the Thuréus Prize in Technology and Economics by the Royal Society of Science in Uppsala (Kungl. Vetenskapssocietetens i Uppsala Thuréuspris, teknisk-vetenskapliga klassen). Speech. Slides.
27 August: Participation in panel discussion on Swedish employment policy at seminar on Jobs Policy after the Election organised by SNS (Center for Business and Policy Studies), Stockholm.
12 August: Presentation of draft report on independent fiscal institutions at seminar organised by the Prime Minister's Office in Finland, Vanta. Slides. Final report.
1 June: Speech on Freedom of Action in Fiscal Policy – International and Swedish Experience, Spring Conference, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen. Slides.
25 May: Presentation of the 2010 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council before the Finance Committee of the Swedish Parliament. Slides. Speech and discussion.
18 May: Chairmanship at Swedish Fiscal Policy Council Conference on the Council's 2010 report, Stockholm.
17 May: Presentation of the 2010 report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at press seminar, Stockholm. Press release. Slides. Report. Summary. Summary in English.
30 March: Lecture on "Fiscal Policy, Budget Deficits and the Economic Crisis" together with Christian de Boissieu of le Conseil d'Analyse du Premier Ministre (the French Fiscal Policy Council), for second-term students of economics at Stockholm University. Slides.
23 March: Speech on "Fiscal Policy, Budget Deficits and the Economic Crisis" at SNS in Paris. Slides.
22 March: Speech on "The Swedish Fiscal Framework and the Fiscal Policy Council" at Workshop on Fiscal Policy Rules and Institutions, OECD, Paris. Slides.
18 March: Presentation of paper on "The Swedish Fiscal Policy Council – Experiences and Lessons" at Conference on Independent Fiscal Policy Institutions, organised by the Fiscal Policy Council of Hungary at the Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Speech. Slides.
3 March: Speech on "Economic Policy for Full Employment - Is It Possible?", ABF, Stockholm. Slides.
25 February: Seminar on "Pattern Bargaining and Wage Leadership in a Small Open Economy", Department of Economics, Umeå University. Slides.
21-22 January: Participation in Bellagio Group Seminar at the Riksbank, Stockholm.
12 January: Participation in panel debate on "What Lessons Should the Economics Profession Draw from the Economic Crisis", the Swedish Economic Association, Stockholm School of Economics. Speech. Slides.
8 December: The 2009 Félix Neubergh
Lecture on "How Have We Handled the Economic Crisis and What Do We Do Now?"
at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University.
2 December: Speech on "Sweden
and EMU" at seminar on the euro organised by the Committee on European
Union Affairs (EU-nämnden) in the Swedish Parliament and the Swedish
Institute for European Policy Studies (Sieps).
18 November: Speech on “The
Global Financial Crisis and the Return of the Nordic Model” at seminar
organised by the Danish Embassy and the Swedish Institute for Foreign
Affairs, Stockholm.
13 November: Presentation of report on "Trade in Services and in Goods
with Low-Wage Countries - How Do Attitudes Differ and How Are They Formed?"
at seminar on “Are Cheap Imports of Services More Unfair than Cheap Imports
of Goods” at Sieps (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies),
Stockholm. Slides.
2 November: Speech on "Economic
Policy in the Crisis" at the International Business School (Internationella
Handelshögskolan) in Jönköping.
26 October: Presentation of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council’s Comments
to the 2010 Budget Bill at Press Conference organised by the Swedish
Fiscal Policy Council, Stockholm.
Comments in English.
Comments in Swedish.
15 October: Speech on the Swedish
Fiscal Policy Council at seminar on Fiscal Institutions and Budget
Oversight, Institute for Government, London.
23 September: Seminar on "Pattern Bargaining in a Small Open Economy" at EPRU and the Economics Department at the University of Copenhagen. Slides.
22 September: Speech on
Swedish Fiscal Policy and the Swedish Fiscal Policy
Council at the Danish Economic Association in Copenhagen.
22 September: Speech on
Swedish Fiscal Policy and the Swedish Fiscal Policy
Council at the Danish Central Bank (Danmarks Nationalbank) in Copenhagen.
8 June: Speech at the Swedish Economic Association on
the 2009 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council.
Report in
Report in
5 June: Comments at Seminar on "the Fiscal Policy
Framework" at the Ministry for Finance, Stockholm.
29 May: Speech on "Sweden and the
Economic Crisis" before the Association of Finnish Economics
Journalists, Helsinki.
28 May: Presentation of
the 2009 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy
Council at the Finnish Ministry of Finance, Helsinki.
25 May: Speech on
"Labour Market Policy in the Downturn" at the
National Labour Market Board (Arbetsförmedlingen), Stockholm.
19 May: Presentation of the 2009
Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council before the Finance Committee
of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagens finansutskott).
15 May: Lecture on the 2009
Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at the Stockholm School of
Economics. Slides.
13 May: Presentation of the 2009
Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at the Swedish Steel
Producers’s Association.
11 May: Presentation
of the 2009 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at press
conference in Stockholm.
Press release.
Summary in English.
27 April: Speech on "Sweden and
the Euro" at the Conference "Four Conversations on EU in our Daily Life"
organised by the Swedish Pan-European Association (Svenska
Paneuropaföreningen) and the Information Office of the European Parliament,
23 April: Lecture on"Globalisation
and Jobs" at the annual meeting of the Swedish Building
Materials Employers' Federation (Byggnadsämnesförbundet, Stockholm.
16 April: Presentation of the
Swedish Fiscal Policy Council for the Committee of Economic and Monetary
Affairs in the European Parliament, Stockholm.
16 March: Briefing of Their Royal Majesties the King
and the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess on the Economic
Crisis, Stockholm School of Economics.
12 March: Speech on "The Employment Effects of
Globalisation" at a seminar on globalisation at Region Dalarna, Falun.
6 March: Speech on "Is Swedish
Labour Market Policy Moving in the Right Direction?" at seminar
organised by the Swedish Confederation of Professional
Associations (SACO) and Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt
Näringsliv) in Stockholm.
20 February: Speech before the Economists’ Committee at
the Swedish Trade Union Congress (LO), Stockholm.
14 January: Presentation of report on "Globalisation
– Threat to or Saver of Jobs" before the Globalisation Council,
Stockholm. Slides.
11 december: Presentation of "Globalisation –
Curse or Cure for Jobs?" at conference on "A Globalised Swedish
Labour Market"
organised by the
Swedish Globalisation Council, Stockholm.
4 December: Presentation before the Finance
Committee of the Swedish Parliament.
3 December: Seminar (together
with Anna Larsson) on "Pattern Bargaining, Wage Leadership and
Inflation Targeting" at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics.
18 November:
Seminar (together with Anna Larsson) on "Pattern Bargaining, Wage
Leadership and Inflation Targeting" at the Department of Economics,
Stockholm University. Slides.
11 November:
Speech on "Economic Policy and the Downturn of the Economy" before
the MPs of the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet), Stockholm.
5 November:
Presentation of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at Norges Bank,
November: Presentation of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at the
Ministry of Finance, Oslo (together with Torben Andersen).
17 October:
Speech on "Public-Sector Net Lending" at Conference organised by the
Swedish Centre for Business and Policy Studies (SNS) and
the Swedish National Debt Office (Riksgälden) in Stockholm.
October: Speech on "Pattern Bargaining and Wage Leadership in a Small
Open Economy" at
seminar at HECER, Helsinki.
.2 October:
Speech on "The Role of Research and Researchers in Economic Policy Making
- Some Personal Reflections"
at the Annual
of the Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT) in Helsinki.
5 September: Speech
on "Offshoring and Employment" at seminar organised by the Swedish
Globalisation Council, Stockholm.
1 September: Speech
on "The Swedish Budget Surplus Target and Fiscal Policy Framework" at
Riksbanken, Stockholm.
11 June: Presentation of
the Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council
at an SNS conference in Brussels.
10 June: Seminar on
the Swedish Fiscal Council and the Swedish fiscal
policy framework at ECB, Frankfurt.
June: Seminar on the Stability Pact at ECB, Frankfurt.
30 May: Lecture on
Swedish Fiscal Policy at the Stockholm School of
Economics. Slides.
22 May: Speech on
the First Annual Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at a public
hearing of the Finance Committee of the Swedish Parliament.
21 May: Speech on Swedish Fiscal Policy before the Committee for Budgetary and Financial
Affairs of the State Parliament of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stockholm.
20 May: Presentation
of the 2008 Report
of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council
at the Club of
Liberal Economists, Stockholm.
16 May: Presentation
of the 2008 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at Swedish
Fiscal Policy Council Conference in Stockholm. Slides.
15 May: Presentation
of the 2008 Report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council at press
conference in Stockholm.
On the 15th of May the
Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, chaired by Lars Calmfors, published its
first annual report on Swedish Fiscal Policy. The report was
presented to
the Minister of Finance and at a press conference. On the 16th of May the
report was discussed at a conference organised by the council with Lars
Heikensten, Assar Lindbeck
and Dan Andersson as discussants. On the 22th of May there was a public
hearing on the basis of the report in the Finance Committee of the Swedish
Parliament with
Lars Calmfors, the Minister for Finance Anders Borg and Professor John
May: Presentation on "Who Is To Decide the Wage Norm?" at the Swedish
National Mediation Office (Medlingsinstitutet), Stockholm.
March: Presentation of the 2008 EEAG Report at seminar on "Europe
in a Globalised World" at SNS/SIEPS,
February: Presentation of the 2008 EEAG Report at seminar on "Europe
in a Globalised World" at Bloomberg, London.
26 February: Presentation of the 2008 EEAG Report
at seminar on "The Impact of Globalisation on
European Jobs" at European Policy Centre, Brussels.
13 February: Speech on "What is the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council"
at "The Ministry of Finance Day", Ministry of Finance, Stockholm.
Fiscal Policy Council.
29 January: Chair of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council's Conference on "Fiscal
Policy and Labour Market Reforms" in Stockholm.
22 January: Lecture for the board of Teknikföretagen (The Employers' Federation for the Swedish Engineering Industry) on "Is the Swedish Wage Bargaining System in Need of Reform?".
3 December: Speech on
"The Wage Bargaining System in Crisis" before the board of the
Swedish Trade Federation (Svensk Handel).
11 December: Seminar
on "Trade in Goods, Trade in Services and Outsourcing - How Do Attitudes
Differ?" at Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
22 November: Speech on "Objectivity and Integrity in
Research on Politically Controversial Topics" at seminar on "Objectivity
and Impartiality" at the Research Service of the Parliament (Riksdagens
utredningstjänst) in Stockholm.
20 November:
Chair in panel discussion on "The Challenges of Globalisation for Danish
and Swedish Labour Markets" arranged by the Swedish Globalisation
Council and the Danish Embassy in Stockholm.
19 November: Speech on "Is the Swedish Wage-setting
System in Crisis" at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt
Näringsliv) at lunch meeting of the heads of industry employer associations.
13 November: Comments on the National Auditors’ (Riksrevisionens) report on "The
Government's Analysis of the Long-run Sustainability of Fiscal Policy"
at seminar organised by the National Auditors.
22 October: Comment on Charles Wyplosz: "Fiscal Policy Councils -
Unlovable or Just Unloved?" at Economic Council in Sweden conference
on "Fiscal Rules and Institutions", Stockholm.
30 August:
Lecture on "The Future Interest Rate Path in Sweden" at Seminar
organised by AGL Treasury Support AB in Stockholm.
11 July:
Lecture on "New Models for Wage Formation" at the seminar "The Wage
Bargaining Round on Old Tracks", Almedalen, Visby.
29 May: Prize
Award Speech for Per Krusell at the Söderberg Prize Award Ceremony at
the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
May: Lecture on
"Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Europe" at the
Stockholm School of Economics.
April: Lecture on "The Role of Research for Important Political Decisions"
at Conference on Strategic Analysis held by IQPC in Stockholm.
11 April: Speech at seminar on "Flexicurity - A Swedish
Perspective" held in the European Parliament in Brussels.
29 March: Seminar presentation of the 2007 EEAG Report
at the Department of
Economics, Uppsala University.
6 March:
Presentation of "The 2007 EEAG Report on the European Economy"
(European Economic Advisory Group) at seminar organised by SNS (the Center
for Business and Policy Analysis) and SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European
Policy Studies) in Stockholm.
February: Speech and participation in panel discussion in seminar on
"Do Economists Run Away from the Public Debate?" at the
Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS) in Stockholm.
23 January: Lecture on "Globalisation and the Nordic Labour Market" at the conference "Labour Markets, Wages and Economic Policy" organised by the Department of Economics,University of Oslo. Slides.
17 January:
Speech on "Flexicurity - A Myth?" at Seminar on "What is Danish
Flexicurity?" at the Swedish Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, in
celebration of the establishment of the ministry.
15 December:
Speech and participation in debate on "Does Lower Unemployment
Benefit Give More Jobs - What Does International Research Say?" at
TCO (the Central Organisation for White-Collar Employees), Stockholm. Slides.
23 November:
Comment on the Report of the Welfare Council of the Centre for Business and
Policy Research at seminar on "The Labour Market Entry of Youth and
Immigrants", Stockholm. Slides.
22 November:
Participation in hearing on the government’s proposals for changes in
unemployment insurance, the Labour Market Committee of the Swedish
Parliament, Stockholm.
21 November:
Lecture on "How Do the Swedish Labour Market Reforms Measure up?"
at the Ministry of Finance seminar on "The Effects of Structural Policy
on Labour Supply and Employment", Stockholm. Slides.
27 October: Speech on "The Labour Market Reforms of the New Government", SEB, Stockholm.
23 October:
Seminar on "Does Democracy Need Watchers?" at the
Department of Political Science, Uppsala University. Slides.
9 October: Presentation
of the 2006 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred
Nobel to Edmund Phelps at the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
September: Speech on "Macroeconomic Policy"
in the Executive Education Programme of SNS (the Swedish Center for Business
and Policy Research), Thoresta. Slides.
9 September:
Discussant of paper by Lars Ljungqvist and Tomas Sargent on "How
Sweden's Unemployment Became More Like Europe's" at SNS-NBER conference
on "Reforming the Welfare State" at Saltsjöbaden. Slides.
31 August:
Speech on "Research and Political Decision Making" at the
Jubilee Conference of the Swedish Association for Municipal Statistics and
Planning (KSP) in Växjö. Slides.
22 August:
Presentation of chapter on "Free Trade in Services Requires Free Wage
Setting" at seminar in connection with the publishing by bokförlaget
DN of
the book "The truth about Sweden". Chapter.
15 August:
Speech on "Globalisation, Labour Markets and Monetary Policy"
at a public seminar at Sveriges Riksbank. Slides.
2 June: Speech on "The Attitudes in
Sweden towards the Euro and towards Globalisation" at the Prime
Minister's Office for the Cabinet Margot Wallström (EU Commissioner for
Institutional Relations and Communication). Slides.
29 May: Speech
on "Globalisation, Wages and Unemployment" at seminar on
"Globalisation and the Labour Market" organised by the Center for
Business and Policy Research (SNS) and the Swedish Economic Association
(Nationalekonomiska föreningen) in Stockholm. Slides.
12 May: Lecture
on "What Are the Benefits of Free Trade" at the annual
meeting of the Swedish Association for the
Printing Industry (Grafiska Företagens Förbund) in Gothenburg. Slides.
8 May: Speech on "The
Level of Well-Being in Sweden" at McKinsey & Co presentation of
report on Sweden in Stockholm. Slides.
5 May: Speech on
"The Revised Stability and Growth Pact - Is It Working?" at
the Conference "ECB and Its Watchers" in Frankfurt.
28 April: Lecture on
"Fiscal Policy in Europe and the Stability Pact" at the
Stockholm School of Economics. Slides.
27 April: Speech
on "Globalisation and the Labour Market" at Conference on
Outsourcing at the Swedish Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS) in
Stockholm. Slides.
21 April:
Faculty opponent on PhD dissertation by Karl-Oskar Lindgren on "Roads
from Unemployment - Institutional Complementarities in Product and Labor
Markets" at the Department of Political Science, Uppsala
15 March:
Presentation of the 2006 EEAG report on the "European Economy"
at SNS/SIEPS conference in Stockholm. Press release.
8 March: Presentation of the
2006 EEAG report on the "European Economy" at CESifo
conference in Brussels together with Xavier Vives.
24 January: Comment
on the 2006 SNS-NBER report "To Reform the Welfare State"
at the January meeting of the Council of the Centre for Business and Policy
Studies (SNS) in Stockholm. Speech. Slides.
6 December: Seminar on "What Remains of the
Stability Pact and What Next?" at Bruegel, Brussels.
22 November: Speech over the theme "Should We Work More and Longer?" at the Stockholm University Faculty Club.
15 November: Lecture on "The Handling of Changing Circumstances and the Generality of Conclusions in Analytical Work" at the conference on "Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Analysis in Qualified Research Work" arranged by IQPC in Stockholm. Slides.
8 November: Presentation of new report on "What
Remains of the Stability Pact and What Next?" at seminar organised
by SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) in Stockholm. Speech.
Slides. Report.
5 October: Speech on "Globalisation and Wage
Setting" and participation in panel debate at seminar on "Can
Wage Formation Strengthen Swedish Competitiveness?" organised by the
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise in Stockholm.
22 September: Lecture on Macroeconomic Policy in
the Executive Education Programme of the Center for Business and Policy
Studies (SNS Samhällsprogram), Krägga. Slides.
September: Speech
23 August: Lecture on "The Swedish Employment Problem in an International Perspective" at a conference on "More People in Work" organised by Centrum för Kunskapsutveckling, Institute for International Research, Stockholm. Slides.
1 June: Speech on "Causes and Effects of Longer
Working Time in Europe" at a seminar on "New Times in
Europe" organised by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise,
Stockholm. Slides.
24 May: Speech on "Objectivity and Integrity in
Government Commission Work in Politically Controversial Areas" at
IQPC conference on "The Work of Government Commissions" in
Stockholm. Speech. Slides.
May: Lecture on "Fiscal and Employment
Policies in the EU States" at the Stockholm School of Economics.
22 April: Presentation of "Ways to Increase Labour Supply and Employment" before the Working Party on Labour Supply at the Swedish Ministry of Finance, Stockholm.
21 April: Speech on "The Changes in the
Stability Pact" at the First AP Fund, Stockholm. Slides.
19 April: Seminar speech on “The Recent Changes in the Stability Pact: An Evaluation” at the Swedish Ministry of Finance, Stockholm. Slides.
15 April: Speech on "The
Challenge of Real and Nominal Convergence in the Run-Up to Euro Adoption"
and participation in a panel discussion on "Economic Policy in the
Baltic States and the EU" at the conference on "The Baltic
States in the EU - Consequences for Growth, Outsourcing, and Migration"
organised by SNS (the Centre for Business and Policy Research) and Praxis in
Stockholm. Slides.
12 April: Seminar on "Longer
Working Hours - A New Trend" arranged by the Economic Council of
Sweden at the Ministry of Finance, Stockholm.
March: Presentation of the 2005 report on the European economy by the
European Economic Advisory Group at a seminar on "The European Economy
under Scrutiny" organised by SNS (Centre for Business and Policy
Studies) and SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies) in
February: Speech on "The Future of the Stability Pact - Is Fiscal
Discipline Waning in Europe?" at the BNP Parisbas 5th Annual Economic and
December: Speech on "The Macroeconomic Consequences of Sweden's EU Membership" at the conference on "Ten Years of EU Membership - What Did We
Expect and How Did It Turn Out?" arranged by the SNS (Center for Business
and Policy Studies) in Stockholm. Slides.
November: Talk on
"The New EU States and Monetary
Integration" at the Eastern European Forum at Uppsala University.
1 November: Lecture on “Growth through More Work” at the Southern Swedish
Economics Day in Klippan.
October: Lecture on "The New EU States and European
Monetary Integration" at a conference on "One or Two Europes?: the New
EU States and Eastern Enlargement" organised by the Department for Studies
of Eastern Europe at Uppsala University. Slides
(in Swedish).
11 October: Participation in the presentation of the 2004 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Interview.
September: Seminar on “The Future Fiscal Policy
Framework in the EU: What Can the Stability Pact Achieve and What Must National
Fiscal Institutions Do?” at the DG ECFIN at the European Commission in Brussels. Slides.
28 May: Lecture on “Labour
Market Institutions, Pay-Setting Systems and Employment: What Is There to Learn
from the Experiences of the Old EU Member States?” at the Social Economic
Council in the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs in Tallinn. Lecture.
May: Lecture on “EMU
Entry for the New EU States, the Convergence Criteria and the Stability Pact”
at the Central Bank of Estonia in Tallinn. Lecture.
May: Lecture on "Fiscal
Policy and Unemployment in the European Union" in the Macroeconomic Policy
Analysis course at the Stockholm School of Economics. Slides.
May: Speech on "The Fiscal Policy Rules and the Fiscal
Policy Situation in the EU" and participation in a panel discussion on
"The Future Finances of the EU" at a conference on "EU-25: Future Challenges" for the
Budget Department of the Swedish Ministry of Finance at Skokloster.
5 May: Speech
(in Swedish) on
"The Stability Pact, EMU, and the New EU Member
States" and participation in a panel discussion at a seminar on "The Future of EU - Structural, Legal, and
Economic Aspects" organised by SIEPS (the Swedish Institute for European
Policy Studies) in Stockholm. Speech.
29 April: Speech
on "Labour Market Reforms, Pay-Setting Systems, and Employment" at a
conference on “Economic
Growth in the European Union” organised by
SIEPS (the Swedish Institute for European Policy
Studies), the Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS), and the Trade Union
Institute for Economic Research (FIEF) in Stockholm. Speech
- Slides.
31 March: Keynote Speech on "The Limits of Activation
Active Labour Market Policies" at the International Reform Monitor
Conference on “Activation without Perspective? - Increasing Employment
Opportunities for the Low-Skilled” at the Bertelsmann Foundation in
Berlin. Speech.
15 March: Speech on
"Possible Reforms of the Stability Pact" at
the Swedish Ministry of Finance in Stockholm. Slides.
16 February: Presentation
of the 2004 Report on the European Economy of
the European Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at a seminar in Stockholm
at SIEPS (the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies).
November: Joint talk with Katarina Richardson on
"Wage Formation and Market Forces in the Public Sector" at a
seminar at the Swedish Section of the International Industrial
Relations Association (IIRA) in Stockholm.
October: Speech and participation in a panel discussion
on "Sweden after the Euro Referendum" at the "Southern
Swedish Education Days" in Klippan.
October: Speech on
"The Role of Intellectuals in the Swedish Debate on EMU" at the Forum
1789 Seminar at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of
14 October: Presentation (together with Katarina Richardson) of the report on "Market Forces and Wage Formation in Swedish Health Care" at the Employers’ Forum organised by the Association of Swedish Regional Authorities (Landstingsförbundet) in Stockholm. Report.
September: Presentation (together with Katarina Richardson) of the report
on "Market Forces and Wage Formation in Swedish Health Care" at
the Association of
Swedish Regional Authorities (Landstingsförbundet). Report.
September: Speech on "Sweden and the Euro" at ACI Forex Denmark
in Copenhagen.
September: Presentation of a paper on "How Does EMU Affect Employment? What We Can Say and What We Cannot Say"
at a seminar at the Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS) in Stockholm. Paper.
August: Speech on "The Consequences of Adopting the Euro" at a conference organised by SABO in Stockholm on "The
Euro - Yes or No. What will happen to the Swedish economy and interest
rates?". Slides.
15 May: Reception of the 2003 Söderberg Prize in Economics at a ceremony at the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and Prize Lecture on "Economic Research and Economic Policy Decision-Making: the EMU Example". Speech.
22 April: Lecture on "Economic Consequences of EMU Membership" at the Press Institute (Pressinstitutet), Stockholm.
April: Public lecture on "The Krona or the
Euro" organised by Borås Tidning and Högskolan in Borås.
March: Lecture on "Economic Consequences of EMU Membership"
at the Press Institute (Pressinstitutet), Stockholm.
March: Presentation of the fiscal policy chapter of the 2003 EEAG
report on the European Economy at Sveriges Riksbank.
7 March: Lecture on "Who Should Decide Fiscal Policy in the EMU" at the spring
conference of the Swedish Political Science Network for Research on Europe at
the University of Gothenburg.
17 February: Presentation of the paper on "Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation and Monetary Union" at a seminar at Umeå University.
18 February: Lecture on "Economic
Consequences of EMU Membership" at a meeting organised by the
Foreign Policy Association (Utrikespolitiska föreningen), the Economic
Association (Nationalekonomiska föreningen) and the Centre for Business and
Policy Studies (SNS) in Umeå.
12 February: Presentation of the 2003 Report on the European Economy by the European
Economic Advisory Group (EEAG) at a seminar organised by the Swedish Center for
Business and Policy Studies (SNS), Stockholm. Report.
28 January: Lecture on "The Consequences of
Swedish EMU Membership" for the MPs of the Swedish Christian Democrats.
January 14: Talk on "The Stability and Growth Pact - Problems and Reform Prospects" at the Swedish Ministry of Finance.
14 November: Speech on "Sweden and the EMU" at the
annual meeting of the shareholders of Didner and Gerge in Uppsala.
5 November: Seminar on
"Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilisation in the Euro Area: Possible Reforms
of the Stability and Growth Pact and National Decision Processes" at the
16 September: Talk on "Market Effects on
Relative Wages" at a conference on wage setting and economics organised by
the Swedish Association of Regional Authorities (Landstingsförbundet) in
19 August: Speech on "The Future Role of Trade
Unions and Collective Bargaining" for the board of the Association of
Regional Authorities in Sweden (Landstingsförbundet) in Åhus.
23 May: Speech on "Fiscal Policy as a Stabilisation Policy
Tool in the EMU" at the EPRU Network conference on "International and Danish
Economic Policy" at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
6 May: Presentation of the paper on "Nominal Wage
Flexibility, Wage
Indexation and Monetary Union" at a faculty seminar at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.
29 April: Lecture on "The Adjustment to Macroeconomic
Shocks in the EMU" in the München Seminar Series organised by the CESifo Institute
and the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
23 April: Presentation of the paper on
"Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation and Monetary Union" at the Hans
Möller seminar in international economics at the Department of Economics, University of
10 April: Presentation of the paper on
"Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation and Monetary Union" in the research
seminar series at DG ECFIN at the European Commission in Brussels.
27 March: Lecture on "The Effects of Swedish Labour Market
Policies" at a seminar at the Swedish Trade Union Congress.
18 March: Presentation of the report on "The Effects of
the EMU on Wage Formation" to the board of SACO (The Swedish Confederation of
Professional Associations).
14 March: Speech on "Stabilisation Policy
in the EMU" at the Swedish Economic Association (Ekonomisk Debatt 2002:4).
12 March: Presentation of the report of the Government
Commission on "Stabilisation Policy for Full Employment in the Event of Swedish Membership
in the Monetary Union" at a seminar at the Nordea Bank in Stockholm.
5 March: Speech and participation in a panel discussion on
"The Future of European Trade Unions" at a seminar organised by the National
Mediation Office in Sweden.
20 February: Public lecture on "Should Sweden Adopt the Euro?" at the Stockholm City
23 January: Talk on "The Prospects for Swedish EMU Membership" at IVA (the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering
Participation in panel discussions and debates
12 January 2010: What are the lessons from the economic crisis for the economics profession? (Vilka lärdomar bör den nationalekonomiska professionen dra av den ekonomiska krisen?), discussion at the Swedish Economic Association, Stockholm, 12 January 2010, Ekonomisk Debatt 2010:3. Download.
29 April 2010: Ekonomiklubben, Access TV. Discussion.
15 December 2009: Participation in panel discussion on "The Role of Economists in the Public Debate" organised by Timbro and the Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm. Discussion.
26 January 2009: Nyhetsmorgon, TV4: "Local Authorities Forced to Borrow" ("Kommunerna tvingas låna pengar").
11 July 2007: Participation in public discussion on "Researchers and Politicians - A Misunderstood Relationship" organised by the Swedish Research Council in Almedalen, Visby.
10 July 2007: Participation in panel discussion on "Sweden after the Boom" organised by "Forum för energi och tillväxt" (Forum for Energy and Growth) in Almedalen, Visby.
31 October 2006: Nyhetsmorgon, TV4:
The Government Proposals on Unemployment
Insurance (Regeringens a-kasseförslag).
October: Comments on "The Labour Market Policy of the New Government",
the Economic Department, Ministry of Finance, Stockholm.
September 2006: Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio P1: The Change in Government
22 August 2006: Participation in Swedish Radio debate on "Happiness and Employment".
7 July 2006: Participation in panel debate on "Swedish Wage Setting under European Pressure" organised by Teknikföretagen (Confederation of Swedish Engineering Industry) in Visby (Almedalsveckan).
23 February 2006: Participation in panel debate on economics and the economics prize in memory of Alfred Nobel at the Nobel Museum, Stockholm.
29 January 2006: Sveriges Radio P1 – The Jobs: Trade in Services and Wages
(Jobben: tjänstehandel och lönerna).
21 September 2005: Debate on the Government Budget Proposal with the Minister of Finance in the Swedish Economic Association, Stockholm. Slides.
4 April 2005: Participation in a panel debate on "How to Make the Swedish Labour Market World Class" at the conference "The Future of Sweden" organised by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) in Åre.
1 April 2005: Speech on and participation in panel debate on the topic "Are the Unemployed Lazy?" at the Swedish Trade Union Congress (LO), Stockholm. Slides.
18 February 2004: Participation in a debate on the future of the stability pact at a meeting of the Stockholm group of the Center for Business and Policy Studies (SNS). Slides.
3 April 2003: Participation in a public debate on EMU organised by the Association for Foreign Policy (Utrikespolitiska föreningen) in Lund.
20 November 2010: A-kassan statens ansvar, Sunt Förnuft. Interview.
17 November 2010: Euron i kris - igen, P1-Morgon, Sveriges Radio. Interview
8 November 2010: Borg vill inte ge Finanspolitiska rådet mer pengar, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
8 November 2010: Finanspolitiska rådet: Ge oss mer pengar och låt oss vara i fred, Dagens Industri. Interview.
29 October 2010: Calmfors: EMU klarar inte ytterligare en kris, Aftonbladet and E24. Interview.
12 October 2010: Finansminister Borg presenterar sin budget, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
29 September 2010: Hur ska EU:s gemensamma valuta räddas?, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
16 September 2010: Prognosen für die EU-Länder im Jahr 2010, Die Welt. Interview.
15 September 2010: Sveriges
hemmelighed er den økonomiske politik, B
12 September 2010: Jobbpolitiken får professorsbetyg, Dagens Industri. Interview.
3 September 2010: "Rut skapar inte många jobb", Fokus. Interview.
27 August 2010: Professor sågar Alliansens förslag, Affärsvärlden. Interview.
27 August 2010: Calmfors
tveksam till sänkt restaurangmoms,
20 August 2010: Ta det lugnt med miljarderna, Dagens Industri. Interview.
19 August 2010: Partiernas löften kostar miljarder, Nyheterna, TV4.
6 August 2010: Newsweek (on the Office for Budget Responsibility and the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council), BBC Radio Scotland. Interview (MP3 file).
8 June 2010: Good Morning Scotland, BBC Radio Scotland. Interview.
5 June 2010: Vad kan politikerna lova i valrörelsen?, Ekots lördagsintervju, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
26 May 2010: Finansskräck fäller kronan, Dagens Industri. Interview.
25 May 2010: SBC: 9,8 procent arbetslösa, Rapport, Sveriges Television. Interview.
18 May 2010: Skuldsanering slår mot Sverige, Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
18 May 2010: Välförtjänt betyg, Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
17 May 2010: Politiker varnas för ofinansierade vallöften,
17 May 2010: Fel tid för dyra vallöften,
17 May 2010: Oro för bakslag i konjunkturen,
17 May 2010: Nu är det slut på valfläsket, Dagens Industri. Interview.
17 May 2010: Oro för bakslag i konjunkturen, Dagens Industri. Interview.
17 May 2010: Finanspolitiska rådet: Fel tid för dyra vallöften, Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
13 May 2010: Nattsvart för britterna, Veckans Affärer. Interview.
8 May 2010: Experter varnar för ny finanskris, Expressen. Interview.
8 May 2010: Ekonomiekot, Sveriges Radio.
7 May 2010: Risk att grekiska smittan sprider sig, kommentarer om de internationella budgetproblemen, Ekot, Sveriges Radio.
7 May 2010: Kommentarer om eurområdets kris och Storbritanniens budgetproblem, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio.
30 April 2010: "EMU-riskerna viftades bort", Fokus. Interview.
13 April 2010: Finanspolitiska rådets framtid i farozonen, Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
4 February 2010: Calmfors: "Rädda inte Grekland", E24. Interview.
3 February 2010: Greklands statsfinanser, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio.
31 January 2010: Eurodebatten politisk bubblare, Godmorgon, världen!, Sveriges Radio.
15 January 2010: "Calmfors: 'Nu ska vi gå med i EMU'", Dagens Industri. Interview.
15 January 2010: Det våras för euron, P1-Morgon, Sveriges Radio.
17 December 2009: Varning för låga
löneökningar, Vad står på spel.
11 December 2009: Grekland snart i konkurs, intervju om EU, stabilitetspakten och Greklands budgetkris, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
8 December 2009: "Lars Calmfors: Venemaa naabrina eelistaksin eurot”, interview on the euro, Aripaev (Estonian business daily). In Estonian. Summary in English.
4 December 2009: "Calmfors: Borg får godkänt", interview about exit strategies, E24. Interview.
16 November 2009: Foreskriver svensk kur for hollandsk syke, Mandagmorgen. Interview.
26 October 2009: "Regeringen manipulerar reglerna", Rapport, Sveriges Television. Interview.
26 October 2009: Borg anklagas för trixande, Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
26 October 2009: "Budgeten kan ge framtida problem", Dagens Industri. Interview.
20 October 2009: "Sverige tål måttlig löneökning", Dagens Industri. Interview.
8 October 2009: "Regeringen trixar med utgiftstaket", Rapport, Sveriges Television. Interview.
22 September 2009: "Stimulansåtgärderna kom för sent", Dagens Industri. Interview.
20 September 2009: "Det är en krisbudget - och en valbudget", Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
14 May 2009: Calmfors varnar för fel tajming, Arbetsmarknaden. Interview.
11 May 2009: Bakläxa för Borg, Dagens Industri. Interview.
11 May 2009: Finanspolitiska rådet: Satsa 45 miljarder till, Dagens Industri. Interview.
6 March 2009: Calmfors dömer ut jobbpolitiken, Dagens Industri. Interview.
3 March 2009: Uppgörelse splittrar ekonomiska experter, Ekot, Sveriges Radio.
19 February 2009: Adaktusson, TV8.
10 February 2009: ECO-finmöte, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio.
9 February 2009: Franskt bilstöd är hot mot frihandeln, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
28 January 2009: Sysselsättningspolitiken har genomförts på ett klumpigt sätt, TCO-Tidningen. Interview.
3 January 2009: Ekots lördagsintervju, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
3 January 2009: Fel att stödja bilindustrin, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
5 December 2008: "Det är alldeles för lite", Aftonbladet. Interview.
5 December 2008: "Tummen ned från regeringens egen expert", Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
5 December 2008: Regeringens stimulanspaket, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
26 November 2008: EU-kommissionen lägger stimulanspaket, Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
25 November 2008: Sänkt moms kan hålla uppe ekonomin, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
17 November 2008: Låglöneländer hotar inte svenska jobb, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
30 October 2008: "Regeringen måste göra mer", tv4.se. Interview.
23 October 2008: Bra att vi står utanför EMU?, P1-morgon, Sveriges Radio.
22 October 2008: Lars Calmfors om finansiering av stora investeringar, Fores.se.
17 October 2008: "Sänk momsen", diTV.se.
8 October 2008: Hur ska Sverige räddas?, Studio Ett, Sveriges
30 June 2008: Svårt för regeringen att nå mål, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
15 May 2008: Regeringens politik får ris och ros, Ekot, Sveriges Radio. Interview.
May 2008: Stockholms universitet, Nyhetsartiklar, Månadens profil. Interview.
May 2008: Universitetsnytt 3: Forskare som påverkar samhället. Interview.
3 March 2008: Dagens Industri.
29 February 2008: LOTidningen. Interview.
21 September 2007: Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
7 September 2007: Fokus. Interview.
3 September 2007: Veckans Affärer. Interview.
10 July 2007: Ekonominyheterna.se; Nyhetsbyrån Direkt. Interview.
28 March 2007: Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
Oktober 2006: Akademikern.
31 August 2006: "Går det att pressa arbetslösheten utan att
öka inflationen?", Aftonbladet.
26 January 2006: Anbudsjournalen.
23 and 24 January 2006: 24 Direkt (TV 2): En bok - en författare: Lars Calmfors
8 November 2005: Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
8 November 2005: Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
22 September 2005: Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
7 September 2005: Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
9 August 2005: Dagens Nyheter. Interview.
4 Augusti 2005: Dagens Industri. Interview.
4 Augusti 2005: Sundsvalls Tidning. Interview.
7 April 2005: Realtid.se. Interview.
15 March 2005: Affärsvärlden. Interview.
17 February 2005: Cash. Interview.
9 July 2004: Svenska Dagbladet. Interview.
8 March 2004: Financial Times Deutschland. Interview.
Second-semester undergraduate course in intermediate macroeconomics at the Economics Department, Stockholm University, autumn 2009. Lecture notes.
March and
April: Graduate second-year course on
"Wages and Unemployment" at Stockholm University together with Jonas
Agell and Åsa Rosén.
March: Second-semester undergraduate course in
policy (macroeconomics) at the Economics Department, Stockholm University.
February: Two-day course at Aske Kursgård on "Unemployment and Labour Market Policy" in the management education
programme of the National Swedish Labour Market Board (AMS).
September and October: Second-semester undergraduate course in
macroeconomic policy at the Stockholm University.
February and
Second-semester undergraduate course in
macroeconomics at the Department of Economics, Stockholm University.